
leaf mite Learn more about leaf mite

  • Harm regularity and control methods of leaf mites in main diseases and insect pests of deciduous trees and ginkgo biloba trees

    Harm regularity and control methods of leaf mites in main diseases and insect pests of deciduous trees and ginkgo biloba trees

    Ginkgo is a large deciduous tree with a DBH of up to 4 meters. The fruit of ginkgo is commonly known as ginkgo, so ginkgo is also known as ginkgo. Ginkgo trees grow slowly and have a very long lifespan. Under natural conditions, it takes more than 20 years from planting to bearing ginkgo fruit, and it takes 40 years to bear a large amount of fruit.

    2020-11-09 Deciduous large trees ginkgo trees main diseases and insect pests leaf mites
  • Harm regularity and control methods of leaf mites in main diseases and insect pests of deciduous trees and ginkgo biloba trees

    Harm regularity and control methods of leaf mites in main diseases and insect pests of deciduous trees and ginkgo biloba trees

    Ginkgo is a large deciduous tree with a DBH of up to 4 meters. The fruit of ginkgo is commonly known as ginkgo, so ginkgo is also known as ginkgo. Ginkgo tree grows slowly and has a very long life. under natural conditions, it takes more than 20 years from planting to bearing ginkgo fruit, and it takes 40 years to bear a large amount of fruit, so some people call it Gongsun tree.

  • Disease and insect pest of national orchid-- leaf mite

    Disease and insect pest of national orchid-- leaf mite

    Disease and insect pest of national orchid-- leaf mite

  • What is orange spider?

    What is orange spider?

    What is orange spider? How to prevent? Panonychus citri (MeGregor), also known as Panonychus citri, belongs to Arachnida, Acari, Prostigmata, Tetranychidae, which is a very serious pest mite on citrus. It is widely used in Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangzhou, Guangdong, etc.

  • Pest control of leaf mites in Shenze, a kind of zinzhe grass

    Pest control of leaf mites in Shenze, a kind of zinzhe grass

    Shenze's spider mite belongs to arachnida, mites, Tetranychidae and Tetranychus. It is mainly distributed in the eastern and central regions. [target] flowers and trees such as zinnia, chrysanthemum, iris, goldfish grass, rose, sweet pea, morning glory, cherry, etc. [damage characteristics] usually in

    2020-11-08 Species zinnia Shenze leaves mites insect pests prevention and control
  • How do pests harm flowers? Main damage modes of flower pests

    How do pests harm flowers? Main damage modes of flower pests

    In the last article, we introduced the common pests in the process of potted soil flower culture. We all know that pests do great harm to flowers, seriously threatening the reproduction, growth, flowering, fruiting and ornamental value of flowers.

  • Control of red spiders growing cotton

    Control of red spiders growing cotton

    Cotton spider mite, also known as cotton red spider, fire dragon, fire spider. It belongs to Arachnida, Acarina, Tetranychidae. The main harmful mites are red spider mite, river spider mite and two-spotted spider mite. Small individuals, strong fecundity, more than 10 generations a year, stabbed by adult and nymph mites

    2020-11-08 Grow cotton scarlet spider control cotton spider mite also known as cotton
  • Control methods of longan gall mite

    Control methods of longan gall mite

    The damage was caused by sucking juice in the terminal buds and spikes of longan shoots, which led to the shortening of spike internodes, and the florets could not bloom and develop into bloated flowers for a long time. Guangdong fruit growers are commonly known as "ghost flowers"; the new shoots are arched claw-shaped, leaf edges curled, can not be expanded, fruit farmers call them ghost tips, especially ghost flowers can not bear fruit.

  • Special treatment and control of orchid red spider disease

    Special treatment and control of orchid red spider disease

    Red spider is also called mite, there are many kinds, take Shi leaf mite as an example: Shi leaf mite is a common kind of leaf mite, harmful to orchids and other flowers. The mouthparts fixed the back of the leaf, pierced into the leaf tissue through the leaf epidermis and spongy tissue layer, ingested the green granules and cellular inclusions of the palisade cells, first harmed the lower leaves, and then gradually.

  • How to control mites scientifically? What are the control methods of mite pests?

    How to control mites scientifically? What are the control methods of mite pests?

    What do you know about the application of predatory mites in agricultural pests? What are the characteristics of predatory mites in agricultural pests? If you want to know, let's take a look. Biological control emphasizes the use of predatory natural enemies to control pests.

    2019-01-04 How science control mites pests there are which methods
  • We should pay attention to the use of specific pesticides.

    We should pay attention to the use of specific pesticides.

    Generally speaking, the insecticidal active components of specific insecticides are different, each has its own characteristics, and it has different insecticidal mechanisms (that is, the principle of pesticides killing pests). Now the varieties that are often used in production are: acetamiprion, buprofezin, flufenuron, diflubenzuron, imidacloprid, Rui.

  • Occurrence and control of Lycium barbarum gall mite

    Occurrence and control of Lycium barbarum gall mite

    In the middle and last ten days of August 2002, Chinese wolfberry gall mite disease occurred in the Chinese wolfberry producing area along the boundary between giant deer and Longyao, which brought great losses to the majority of Chinese wolfberry growers. Harmful symptoms: the leaves are the most obvious, the damaged parts are densely yellow-green and nearly round bulging spots, the leaves are twisted, similar to virus disease, the plant growth is seriously hindered, the leaves and tender stems are not edible, the fruit is deformed, and the yield and quality are reduced. Cut the small bulge on the leaf with a blade, remove the adult mite from the inside, and look at it under the microscope. The adult mite is long conical and orange. Pass

  • Control of gall mites in Litchi

    Control of gall mites in Litchi

    Litchi gall mite, also known as litchi gall wall lice, litchi hairy spider, the injured leaves are called felt disease. To harm litchi and longan. Adult mites and nymph mites are harmful to tender shoots, leaves, flowers and young fruits, sucking liquid juice. For the injured leaves, yellow-green patches appear on the back first, and the damage spots are concave.

    2020-11-08 Species litchi gall mite control also known as gall wall
  • How to control pests when planting cotton?

    How to control pests when planting cotton?

    How to control pests when planting cotton? Please introduce the methods of planting cotton can use the following methods to control insect pests: 1. * Integrated control of leaf mites in cotton field * cotton area is one of the areas with the most serious occurrence of cotton leaf mites in China. Especially after planting cotton with plastic film, it creates conditions for cotton spider mites to enter the cotton field ahead of time.

  • Occurrence and control of spider mites in peanut species

    Occurrence and control of spider mites in peanut species

    Peanut spider mites are common in Zhaoyuan City, mainly cinnabar spider mites and two-spotted spider mites, of which the most and most serious are cinnabar spider mites, and the occurrence area of two-spotted spider mites is less, but there is a rising trend in Zhaoyuan in recent years. Peanut spider mite in recent years

    2020-11-08 Species peanut leaf mite occurrence and control in
  • How to control gall mites in longan tree?

    How to control gall mites in longan tree?

    What harm does the gall mite of longan tree have? How to control gall mites in longan tree? Ask netizens to help guide the farming network to sort out the harm and control methods of longan tree gall mites, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. The harm of longan tree gall mites: adult mites, nymph mites and young mites can feed on longan tree gall mites.

  • How to control mites in apple trees in summer?

    How to control mites in apple trees in summer?

    How to control mites in apple trees in summer? Please introduce the harm of apple tree mites in summer: first, harm symptoms 1. Hawthorn spider mite. Also known as Hawthorn red spider, it mainly harms the leaves, buds and young fruits of apple trees. When the leaves are damaged, the red spiders live in groups on the back of the leaves, spinning and pulling the net, adhering to fine soil particles and eggs.

  • What are the diseases and insect pests of tea?

    What are the diseases and insect pests of tea?

    What should be noticed in the process of tea cultivation? Please point out the following tea cultivation methods for your reference: 1, nursery and young tea garden field management timely clean up the nursery and young tea garden stones and other debris, remove stagnant water, straighten the tea seedlings, cut the injured young tea seedlings at the injured site with scissors; count as soon as possible.

  • The effect of fenpropathrin

    The effect of fenpropathrin

    Fenpropathrin has contact toxicity, stomach toxicity and certain repellent effect, wide insecticidal spectrum and long residual period, and has a good effect on many kinds of spider mites. Especially for pests and harmful mites, it can be used to treat both pests and mites, especially for pests and harmful mites.

    2020-11-09 Methyl cyanide permethrin action methyl cyanide with contact
  • Jujube gall mite

    Jujube gall mite

    Also known as jujube mite, jujube tick, jujube ash leaf. The insect is distributed in Dongzao jujube producing areas in Shandong Province and has become one of the main pests on jujube trees. After the jujube tree was killed, the leaves were curled, the leaves were gray, the fallen flowers and fruits were heavy, and then the leaves fell, resulting in secondary sprouting leaves; there were spots on the fruit surface, resulting in a substantial reduction in yield and a decline in quality. The generation of the insect varies according to its geographical location. About 10 generations a year in Zaozhuang area of Shandong Province, adult mites and nymphs overwintered in jujube scales or jujube branch bark seams, with many generations and rapid reproduction. High mortality rate, strong resistance, rapid spread, score
